Caudal del Río Rímac incrementó
In recent weeks, the northern region of the country has been hit by Cyclone Yaku, which has flooded several cities in Piura, Trujillo, Tumbes, among other places. The Senamhi specials have been announcing that Lima will experience prolonged rainfall and some ravines will be reactivated.
One example of this natural phenomenon is the rise of the Rímac River, which runs through the center of Lima. In a report by the URPI team of La República, it was revealed that the waterfall near the Caquetá Bridge, near the Alberto Gallardo Stadium, had a stronger current than usual.

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The mayor of San Martín de Porres, Hernán Sifuentes, visited the area to state that the municipality's emergency center is monitoring the river's flow 24 hours a day.
Due to the increase in the flow of the Rímac River, more than 50,000 people are at risk of possible flooding.
This led him to ask the Minister of Housing, Hania Pérez de Cuéllar, to send heavy machinery to protect the hillsides and build temporary dikes on the riverbank.