Surprising news from Fox Sports Radio
The Sunday program of Fox Sports Radio gave us a big surprise: goalkeeper Leao Butrón was presented as a new member of the panelists' staff, and immediately the question arose of whether the goalkeeper from Alianza Lima had already retired, especially when the host called him an "ex-goalkeeper".
"We welcome tonight a new panelist: Leao Butrón. It should be clarified that he is not here to 'serrated' 'Chemo' (Del Solar) just in case. The good thing is that we already have three ex-goalkeepers here at the table," said Mathías Brivio.
Immediately, Leao Butrón mentioned jokingly: "You are already retiring me," to which the host assured him that it was not true. This implies that the goalkeeper will alternate between both activities.

Will this be his start in journalism?
Although it was not clarified if Butrón's presence would be frequent, the truth is that he would be the first active football player to be part of the group of commentators on that program. Will Butrón consider dedicating himself to journalism once he hangs up his gloves? Will this be his start in the fascinating world of communications?