The best visual riddles, without a doubt, can be found in the Líbero newspaper. In this occasion, we have for you one of the mental challenges that has generated a lot of uproar on the Internet, the reason being that more than one has given up trying to decipher it due to its complexity. Will you manage to come out victorious?

YOU CAN SEE: What goes up and down, but stays in the same place? A riddle you will NEVER solve
The amusing fruit riddle
In the following viral exercise, you will need to test your innate brain capacity and fight against time in order to accomplish this feat. Pay attention to the entangled riddle and avoid falling for its strange tangled appearance. "Window over window, over balcony window, on top of the balcony a lady, on top of the lady a flower."
You have 8 seconds to discover the correct answer, because we know it has a certain difficulty, we will give you a clue: it's a fruit. Now, what are you waiting for? Good luck!
Result of the complicated riddle
If you have made it this far, it's because you are truly a genius and you want to corroborate your result with ours, isn't that right? Well, just as we indicated, it referred to a fruit that appears to have windows on top of windows and balconies, ending with a big flower, and this description perfectly matches the pineapple, which is the correct answer.
Was that your solution? We hope so. Don't forget to share this mental game with your friends and family to have a great time.
For more visual riddles visit the Lí website.