Visual challenges are a great strategy for internet users on social media who are constantly looking to improve their cognitive abilities. For this reason, Líbero presents an online exercise for you to show what you're made of.

YOU CAN SEE: What goes up and down, but stays in the same place? Riddle you will NEVER solve
The challenge of the little artist
This viral challenge is highly difficult, so we recommend that you activate your cognitive abilities to the maximum and immediately attempt to solve it in just 8 seconds.
Apparently, the image of the little artist that we will show you at this moment is similar to the continuous postcard. However, only a trained eye will notice that there are 3 hidden distinctions. Are you ready to become a KING? Go ahead!
Result of the EXTREME challenge
Stop right there! Your only opportunity has come to an end. Did you find what we asked you? It wasn't so complicated, right? If you sharpen your eyes, the first thing you will notice is in the child's illustration, specifically in the cloud, the second in the right ankle, and finally in the blue colored pencil, which suddenly changes to red.
We hope you have managed to overcome this extreme activity and demonstrate that you are a complete GENIUS, and become part of the exclusive group of 1% of people who found what was requested. Keep it up!
For more visual challenges, visit the website portal of