Because we know that you are a true fan of visually complex riddles, Diario Líbero has saved for you one of the most difficult ones on the main social networks, which many have considered a true 'nightmare'. Do you have what it takes to decipher it?

YOU CAN SEE: Which car do you like the most? The car you choose will determine your innate quality
It's TIME for riddles
For the following viral exercise, we recommend you concentrate 100% and not get carried away by the tangled wordplay of the following statement: "I have no feet, but I move forward, I have no mouth but I rush you".
As you can see, this challenge won't be easy to solve, so avoid all distractions and try to find the solution in 5 seconds. We trust in your mental ability. Good luck!
Result of the HURRIED riddle
Stop right there! Your time has run out. Did you manage to find the right answer? We hope so, and in this way, you can demonstrate your great mental skill. Otherwise, don't worry, here you can find the true solution.
Answer: the clock
We hope you enjoyed this activity and don't forget to share it with your friends this weekend, to have a great time. Enjoy a fun and challenging riddle.
For more visual riddles, visit the website