Are you looking for the best visual challenges? If the answer was yes, this viral challenge is perfect for you. But beware, it won't be easy to overcome, as it is one of the most complicated ones you will find on the Internet.
Although there are different themes, this time, Diario Líbero brings you one about donuts. Your mission is to find the 9 characteristics that changed between the photographs. Can you do it? Let's see!

YOU CAN SEE: 1% of people did NOT pass the challenge: If you have a GOOD MEMORY, you will locate the 3 inequalities
Finding the 9 differences in the challenge
To complete this visual exercise, you have to be 100% focused on the image. Keep in mind that some differences will be much more subtle than others. You have 10 seconds to find them all!
Did you find what was requested? If so, you will confirm it in the following lines. If you haven't found them yet, but you're very close, we'll give you 5 more seconds. Good luck!
Where were they?
We know that you gave your best to overcome the visual challenge, but if you didn't succeed, don't be discouraged! It was really difficult since some different details were almost imperceptible to the human eye. To make it clearer, we highlight the changes in red circles.
Did you find it very difficult? If so, find other exercises of lower difficulty in the Mexico section of Lí