
Aris Hernández sees Chivas strong with the return of Pineda and Pizarro.

Viernes 28 de Julio del 2017

Aris Hernández sees Chivas strong with the return of Pineda and Pizarro.

Edwin Hernandez says that Chivas is motivated after the return of several players.

Edwin Hernandez says that Chivas is motivated after the return of several players.

Chivas for the match against Cruz Azul recovers three starters out of the seven who were unavailable in the match against Toluca. The team looks stronger with these three additions and 'Aris' Hernández, left-back for the rojiblancos, stated that with Jair Pereira, Orbelín Pineda, and Rodolfo Pizarro, Chivas is ready to fight in the League and declare themselves ready for the assault on the Azul stadium.

"Today we had a very good training session with everyone who returned from the National Team. The team feels strengthened because they are very important players in Matías' scheme. We know the dynamics that this team generates and the work that is done throughout the week. Today we finished happy to know that we had a good training session and that all the pieces are available for the weekend."

Despite starting the semester with a draw and Alan Pulido being out of circulation for at least three more months, 'Aris' says he is motivated to return to the Liguilla and think about a new championship.

"Our first thought is to qualify, to be in the top positions. To achieve a back-to-back championship is very difficult, we have to face reality. We go step by step, continuing to work with the same humility and intensity. We also have to consider that teams become stronger. We work to achieve it, and if it happens, it will be due to our effort and hard work."

Osorio is not to blame

'Aris' Hernández is one of the most consistent left-backs in recent years, as evidenced by his eight titles won in his career, four with León and four more with Chivas. However, it is not enough to be called up to the national team. He pointed out that there are problems in the Tricolor, but if there are blind eyes and stubborn people, there will never be improvements with the national team.

"If we cover our eyes even when we see what is happening, then I think we are stubborn. If I grab a cactus and it keeps pricking me and it hurts, and I say that I am doing something wrong but I don't let go, then I am stubborn and I like being pricked by the cactus. The coach is not responsible, but those who put him there are. It's not just me saying it, maybe I am giving a voice to many people who don't want to realize it. It's no longer just a matter of one person, but of those who put that individual there. I apologize to those who fit the shoe, because that's how it is," Aris said.


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