The new shooter from DICE, Battlefield 5, promises to be seen throughout E3 2018. It will be part of the conferences of Electronic Arts, Xbox One, PC Gaming and PlayStation.
Only the multiplayer mode was presented and a trailer of it was released. Apparently Xbox will be responsible for unveiling all the new features that this new title brings, it was only announced that Battlefield 5 will have a Battle Royale mode.
The representative of the company commented that many fans of the saga had demanded this trendy game mode. It will not be included in the final version of the game and will be updated in the following months after its release (October 19, 2018).
The E3 2018 is taking place at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles. EA was in charge of opening the series of conferences, on Sunday, June 10, the event will continue with the announcements from Xbox and Bethesda.
See also
Xbox at E3 2018 on Twitch: date, time, and official conference channel

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