
First statement! Real Madrid called an emergency meeting regarding the 'Negreira Case'.

Sábado 11 de Marzo del 2023

First statement! Real Madrid called an emergency meeting regarding the 'Negreira Case'.

Under the leadership of Florentino Pérez, the 'merengue' team commented on the situation in which Barcelona is involved due to corruption-related acts.

Under the leadership of Florentino Pérez, the 'merengue' team commented on the situation in which Barcelona is involved due to corruption-related acts.

Nothing evades the current situation that LaLiga is facing, Real Madrid has spoken out about the 'Negreira Case'. It is for this reason that Florentino Pérez , president of the 'merengues', has made the decision to convene an urgent Board of Directors meeting to determine what actions will be taken against Barcelona following the public complaint made by the Prosecutor's Office for corruption issues.

This is the first time that Real Madrid has publicly addressed the 'Negreira Case'. It does so "in view of the seriousness of the accusations by the Barcelona Prosecutor's Office for well-founded suspicions of corruption," as stated in the issued statement.

Real Madrid had not commented on the issue and was the only team that preferred to handle this matter internally, just like Barcelona, a club that does not support the statement issued by 40 LaLiga teams on February 21 rejecting the facts.

"Given the seriousness of the accusations made by the Barcelona Prosecutor's Office against F. C. Barcelona and two of its presidents for well-founded suspicions of corruption and their relationships with the former vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees, José María Enríquez Negreira, the president has urgently convened the Board of Directors tomorrow, Sunday, March 12, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., in order to decide on the actions that Real Madrid considers appropriate regarding this matter," the statement says.

The Prosecutor's Office filed a complaint against Barcelona

On Friday, the complaint by the Barcelona Prosecutor's Office against the Court of Instruction number 1 of the City of Barcelona became public, accusing former presidents Josep María Bartomeu and Sandro Rossel. Both are accused of a crime of corruption and business related to sports fraud. They are also accused of mismanagement and falsification in commercial documents.

"Barça reached and maintained a strictly confidential verbal agreement with the accused Enríquez Negreira, so that, in his capacity as Vice President of the Technical Committee of Referees and in exchange for money, he would carry out actions to favor Barcelona in the decision-making of the referees in the club's matches, and thus in the results of the competitions," the Prosecutor's Office complaint reads, as reported by El Mundo.

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