Piden una severa sanción al árbitro Fernando Hernández. | Fuente: AFP - Twitter
The referee Fernando Hernández hits Lucas Romero
The Mexican referee Fernando Hernández hit the Argentine midfielder Lucas Romero with his knee at the Azteca stadium during the match between América and León for the thirteenth round of the Clausura-2023 tournament in Mexican football.
In the 64th minute, the referee cautioned the Colombian defender Stiven Barreiro from León; while showing the yellow card to the center back, his teammates approached to complain to Hernández, who flexed his left knee towards 'Perro' Romero and he fell back to the ground after the contact.
"These are things that stay on the field... I don't think it was with bad intentions," Romero said at the end of the match for Mexican television. "I don't ask for anything, simply that they (the referees) respect us as we respect them on the field because they are the authority."