
Mireia Belmonte, injured, hastens to reach the World Championships.

Viernes 12 de Junio del 2015

Mireia Belmonte, injured, hastens to reach the World Championships.

The situation: he has been experiencing shoulder pain for five weeks and training less. Vergnoux: "We won't give up, the priority is to recover."

The situation: he has been experiencing shoulder pain for five weeks and training less. Vergnoux: "We won't give up, the priority is to recover."

Mireia Belmonte could arrive at the Swimming World Championships, which will be held in Kazan (Russia) from July 24 to August 9, in less than ideal conditions. Injuries in her left shoulder, which she has been carrying since before she achieved the six minimum standards in the National Championship in Malaga in March, are to blame for the fact that the swimmer from Badalona has been forced to decrease the intensity and volume of her training for over five weeks.

Her coach, Fred Vergnoux, acknowledges that "there is less and less margin to arrive in optimal conditions in Kazan." "But we are clear that the important thing is the Rio Olympics. We are doing everything possible to minimize the loss of training volume within these physical limitations. Doctors and physiotherapists are working on it," adds the French coach who, nevertheless, does not want Mireia to be considered a "doubt" for this championship.

The swimmer from UCAM, who did not participate this week in the Mare Nostrum circuit in Sant Andreu (Barcelona), underwent a medical check-up on Thursday. The results ruled out major problems, so everything will depend on the feelings of the two-time Olympic medalist, who still feels pain that prevents her from training at the appropriate pace.

Yesterday she traveled to Granada to start the altitude training camp in Sierra Nevada, prior to the Summer National Championship and the World Championships. "We don't want to rule anything out. We will have to evaluate day by day, because it's a matter of feelings. When we get to Kazan, we'll see if we do the whole program or not," recalled Vergnoux, who does not want to confirm her more than likely absence in the Open Water Spanish Championship on June 20 and 21, which also gives tickets to participate in the 5 kilometers in the Russian city.


Before the Spanish Championship in Malaga (March 28-31), the swimmer from UCAM suffered the first discomfort in that area. Mireia, who has been working hard with physiotherapists since then, managed to beat the six minimum standards and achieve her goal in the National Championship. But after the rest period and resuming training, the discomfort returned and has not left her, disrupting her optimal preparation.

Confined to the CAR of Sant Cugat since then, the swimmer from Badalona has followed the work plan of the French coach but has had to reduce the pace. In this plan, new elements were even added to the preparation, such as boxing, an extra and different motivation for the coach's group, a sport in which explosive movements are worked on, which are also valid for swimming.

"We won't give up because Mireia has never done it. The priority now is to recover," insists the French coach, who trusts that Mireia Belmonte can participate in the July National Championship and, subsequently, in the Kazan World Championships very close to her best form.

The Olympic medalist will be in Sierra Nevada until July 7. The Spanish Championships will start on July 9. It will be the big test to see Mireia's condition, with Kazan already on the horizon.

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