
James and Zúñiga ask for support in good times and bad times.

Lunes 15 de Junio del 2015

James and Zúñiga ask for support in good times and bad times.

Copa America: James Rodriguez and Camilo Zuniga speak to the press after the defeat of the Colombian National Team.

Copa America: James Rodriguez and Camilo Zuniga speak to the press after the defeat of the Colombian National Team.

The day after

After the debut with a defeat in the Copa America, two players from the Colombian National Team spoke to the media at the Universidad Católica Stadium in Santiago.

James Rodriguez and Camilo Zuniga spoke about the match against Venezuela in Rancagua, the upcoming match against Brazil, and took the opportunity to ask for support from the fans in difficult moments, as they did in the glorious times.

James Rodriguez:

Venezuela: "It was a close and complicated match, but there are always bad matches and bad days. We have to stay united and calm. We have to focus on the next match and win."

Brazil: "I predict a more open match against Brazil. They have players who can create and pose a threat. They play and let the opponents play, and that can favor us."

Influence on the game: "Against Brazil, it will be a more open match. Against Venezuela, I was a bit marked, but on Wednesday I hope to be closer to 'Falca' or whoever plays."

Revenge: "We shouldn't take the match against Brazil as a revenge. We shouldn't see it that way. Neymar is in an incredible form. They also have to be good to beat Colombia."

How to bounce back: "In football, you don't always win, you have to have the mystique of always. In these difficult moments, that's when the true teams are known."

Injury: "I'm fine from the blow I received. It was nothing serious, thank God. I was scared because of the shoulder hit, but I'm fine."

Role: "Physically, I'm fine. It's true that I had a good season, but in the National Team, I'm just one more player. I always come to contribute and help."

Favoritism: "That's external. It's more about what the press talks about. Those of us inside know that we are not favorites; the press is the one that creates that. We want to win, but what happened against Venezuela is already in the past. We have to go out and play."

"If Falcao is there or whoever, it's the same. Nobody wants to lose or do bad things. If Falcao is there, it will be good for everyone. That doesn't affect my performance on the field."

"They will always be behind me. What I have to do is have patience and find spaces. That's good because I can leave space for my teammates to create chances and score goals."

"I think this defeat was like a reality check for us to be alert and know that it won't be easy. But this group remains united and with the same energy."

"I take this opportunity to ask the country to continue supporting us. Not only when we win, but also when we lose."

Camilo Zuniga:

"Yesterday was a complicated match. We knew it was going to be difficult. Now we have to think about Brazil."

"It won't be the first or last match we'll encounter like this. They will want Colombia to be confused with their game. Venezuela set up very well and didn't let us play our game. We met and talked."

"As a full-back, I'm always demanded to keep a clean sheet. If we can go forward, welcome."

"We knew we were going to have a tough Copa America. No team wants to give anything away. We have a few days to improve what we did wrong against Venezuela. The attitude and the desire to overcome this are still there."

"We shouldn't play with long balls because our strength is keeping the ball on the ground. We shouldn't fall into that trap."

"Now it's normal for the point of the inactivity of several of us to be brought up because we lose. But we are here because of the confidence that the coaching staff has given us."

"We want and have what it takes to qualify. With God's favor, we will achieve it. We know it's not easy, but we will give everything to get the three points."

"Nobody is a favorite because nobody will give anything away. We don't see ourselves as favorites, but as just another team playing a final in every match."

"James is a fundamental player, as they all are for the national team. He comes to contribute and lend us a hand. If he has space, he can shine more."

"We ask the Colombian people to continue supporting us. Until the very end, we will give everything."

"This is a family. Regardless of who is here, whoever comes to the National Team adapts easily, knows what we fight for, and knows what the goal is. Those of us who are here will contribute."

"We were hurt a lot and felt the defeat. We didn't expect it, but these are things that happen. They are lessons that life gives us and everything happens for a reason."

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