
Elite League: "Champions Night" Results 2016 - Cibernético and Carístico first Elite champions.

Domingo 22 de Mayo del 2016

Elite League:

On Saturday, May 21st, Lucha Libre Elite presented the event called "Night of Champions" at the Arena Mexico cathedral. For the first time, the championships were contested: Heavyweight Championship and...

On Saturday, May 21st, Lucha Libre Elite presented the event called "Night of Champions" at the Arena Mexico cathedral. For the first time, the championships were contested: Heavyweight Championship and...

This Saturday, May 21st Lucha Libre Elite presented the event called "Night of Champions" at the Arena Mexico cathedral. For the first time, the Heavyweight Championship and Middleweight Championship, both in Elite version, were contested.

In the semifinal fight, after an intense and thrilling match (in the Cybernetic Tournament modality), Carístico prevailed with La Mística against Mephisto, abruptly stopping the good streak the villain had.

The final fight had a fatal outcome. Six gladiators succumbed to the fierceness of their adversaries in the destructive Cybernetic Tournament modality: the humiliation was for those who went over the third rope. Two heavyweights with a corrosive rivalry reached the final, in a one-on-one match that would be decided in a single fall for the ultimate championship: Cibernético against Rush. A married and sung fight in which one more thing was at stake: pride.

Rush unleashed his Ingobernable mayor's tricks from the beginning. Cibernético, on the other hand, showed fang. The former attacked with force, while the latter sought the precise, efficient and devastating counter-attack. The fight, as it was natural, had moments of pain below the ring: using the containment bar and the broadcast booth as instruments of torture.

El Toro Blanco looked confident, expressing himself through the use of kicks, suplexes, and powerbombs. While the Main Man was more effective: he used the spear as a master key.

In the last moments of the fight, Rush subdued Ciber in the corner, but about to finish him off with his destructive kangaroo kicks to the skull, the Main Man surprised the one from Tala Jalisco with a disconcerting spear. Immediately, Ciber sought to end the fight with his Cybernetic claw, but his signature move had no effect on the muscular mass of the Ingobernable. Rush subdued Ciber, and in the astonished gaze of the thousand-headed monster, he applied a pile driver that left him shocked. The referee decided to disqualify El Toro Blanco, crowning Cibernético with the Elite heavyweight championship in a controversial action. Pyrrhic victory for the god of wrestling.

Complete Results:

  1. Triton, Dinamic Black, and Emperador Azteca defeated Hijo de Dr. Wagner, Hijo del Medico Asesino, and Karonte Jr.
  2. CMLL Women's World Championship: Dallys retains the championship against Jarochita
  3. Elite Masters Cup 2016: Fuerza Guerrera and Blue Panther defeated Shu el Guerrero and El Pantera
  4. Cybernetic Tournament for the Elite Middleweight Championship:

Elimination order:

  • Argos
  • Toscano
  • Valiente
  • Golden Magic
  • Puma
  • Ángel de Oro
  • Atlantis
  • La Máscara
  • One-on-one match for the championship: Carístico defeated Mephisto
  1. Elite Battle for the Heavyweight Championship:

Elimination order:

  • Súper Crazy
  • Máximo
  • Hijo de Dos Caras
  • Diamante Azul
  • LA Park
  • Último Guerrero
  • One-on-one match for the championship: Cibernético defeated Rush by disqualification

Ver noticia en SuperLuchas.com

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