
CMLL: "I am not interested in returning to CMLL full time; if I defeat Felino, I will go after Negro Casas": Súper Crazy

Jueves 25 de Febrero del 2016


Without a doubt, Súper Crazy is one of the gladiators who have elevated the name of our country abroad. Throughout almost 23 years of professional career, with...

Without a doubt, Súper Crazy is one of the gladiators who have elevated the name of our country abroad. Throughout almost 23 years of professional career, with...

Without a doubt, Super Crazy is one of the wrestlers who have elevated the name of our country abroad. Throughout almost 23 years of professional career, with constant tours to the United States, Europe and Japan, he has solidified his wrestling quality. Now with Lucha Libre Elite, he has already had the opportunity to reconnect with Mexican fans.

Crazy vs Felino

With the upcoming confrontation on Sunday at the "Infierno Elite" event, where he will put his hair on the line against Felino, he was interviewed by CMLL informa, and from that conversation we reproduce an excerpt:

Crazy vs Felino1

What do you expect from your fight next Sunday?

"I want it to end, I'm nervous, I want this rivalry with him to end. Felino is a great wrestler and if I beat him, I'll be at the top. I'm already excited for this match."

How long have you been in wrestling?

"Almost 23 years and I have only lost my hair twice. I want to work more in my country, to show that I am still relevant and I am eager to show the whole world that I am still here."

Where have you developed your career the most, in Europe or in Japan?

"Definitely in Japan, I have been on 62 tours and I haven't stopped learning. Japan is like another planet, and there, wrestling evolves more every day."

What do you think about your return to Arena Mexico and being the protagonist of a bet match?

"Of course it's a pleasure to return to the Cathedral of Mexican Wrestling, who wouldn't want to go back there? I came to have a clean, good campaign, but Felino got in the way; and then in each match he fouled, he stole matches from me, I stole matches from him, but enough is enough!"

Regardless of the outcome, you will be going after the Casas Dynasty:

"The Casas are established people and I am aware that if I shave Felino, I will go after all of them. I have a dream, the opportunity to shave Negro Casas is presenting itself; my dream is to shave Negro Casas and if Heavy Metal gets in the way, too, and if the nephews get in the way, I'll take their masks. Of course, that's my dream and it's okay to dream."

Would you like to return to CMLL full-time?

"I'm not interested in returning to CMLL full-time, only for specific dates."

What would it mean to beat Felino?

"It's something that would take me one step closer to my goal of shaving Negro, well, that is if Volador Jr. doesn't shave him first. But I won't give up."

Crazy vs Felino2
What strengths do you see in Felino?

"Felino is still one of the best and fastest wrestlers in Mexico. That's where I need to be careful."

Are you ready to accept defeat?

"I don't know, I already paid my dues in the ring at Arena Mexico once and I don't want to pay twice; I remember perfectly, it was in 2004 on Children's Day, tears came out because it hurts"; he concluded.

Ver noticia en SuperLuchas.com

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