
Chojun Miyagi, the story of the man who inspired Mr. Miyagi in "Karate Kid" and the legacy he left on Peruvian karatekas [VIDEO].

Miercoles 27 de Abril del 2022

Creator of the Goju-Ryu Karate style and a school philosophy that inspired one of the greatest movies in history.


The success of the series "Cobra Kai", which would release its fifth season on Netflix at the end of this year or early next year, also revived the frenzy for the 80s trilogy "The Karate Kid". The memorable 1984 film where Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel LaRusso karate techniques to defend himself from the Cobra Kai. Thanks to his master, Daniel won the "All Valley Karate Tournament", but the adventure marked an entire generation of young people because of the relationship between the characters and the lesson it left.

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The story highlights the teachings of Mr. Miyagi and his memorable "Wax on, wax off" with which Daniel finds the necessary balance to master karate techniques. But the teacher also teaches him about bonsai, patience, breathing, discipline, work, and especially emphasizes the philosophy of oriental martial arts. What is that? A method of personal improvement that, beyond seeking violence, its main objective is to overcome fears and become a better person.

The boom caused by the movie and now the series has made many of its fans wonder where Mr. Miyagi's life philosophy came from and if it is based on real events. The answer is yes. But to understand, it is necessary to go back to April 25, 1888, one hundred and twenty-four years ago, the day that Chojun Miyagi was born, the inspiration behind this whole work of art.

A Life Dedicated to Karate

Chojun Miyagi was only thirteen years old when he started practicing martial arts to strengthen his body. Trained by Kanryo Higaonna, the young man studied Naha-Te, a martial art style with strong local roots. Chojun was the most gifted student, the best disciple. However, after the death of his master, he had to travel to China to perfect himself in the local arts of Fujian.

Upon returning to Okinawa, Miyagi decided to dedicate himself one hundred percent to teaching his perfected art. He taught classes to the local police and at a school in Naha, in addition to other places. Interested in teaching his karate to the world, he traveled to different countries and participated in various exhibition conferences.

``` Note: The translation may not be perfect, but it provides a general idea of the changes made.

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