
Luis Enrique starts to get tired of the carelessness.

Lunes 03 de Agosto del 2015

Luis Enrique starts to get tired of the carelessness.

El técnico tiene un berrinche con la actitud de la plantilla. No señala a nadie pero lanza criticas. Le enerva la falta de atención en defensa y de mordiente en ataque.

El técnico tiene un berrinche con la actitud de la plantilla. No señala a nadie pero lanza criticas. Le enerva la falta de atención en defensa y de mordiente en ataque.

Enrique criticizes his players

Luis Enrique is starting to get fed up with his players' disconnectedness in this preseason. The Asturian coach exploded on Sunday night in Florence after once again Barcelona gave away a match due to the carelessness of its players. For the first time since Luis Enrique has been coaching the team, the coach criticized the overall attitude of his players.

Until that day, the coach had directed his criticism towards specific players (Deulofeu, Piqué or Neymar for individual errors), but he had never reproached the team for the lack of a general attitude.

"We already know that we are very good, but to be good, you have to be completely focused. If we are not, it means we are not that good. We have talked a lot this preseason about defensive attention and we have trained it, and then Fiorentina arrives and scores two goals in eleven minutes with two players alone. It seems that we will have to work harder. Defensive situations in the penalty area need to be improved. We have to take this as a stimulus, just as we have to be more effective in attack. I am not worried about the result, I am worried about other things," said the coach after losing at the Artemio Franchi.

Angry. Luis Enrique's face in the press room of the Italian stadium was evident and it persisted during the trip and was repeated in yesterday's training session. Luis Enrique has no problem hiding his anger with players who, in this preseason, have alternated moments of more than acceptable football with disconnects that border on disinterest.

In the first preseason match, the Galaxy scored their goal of honor on a corner kick in which the Barcelona players were cones. Against United, Rooney advanced his team in the same way, and against Chelsea, Hazard, at a lazy trot, eliminated five Barça defenders. Against Fiorentina, the slaughter took place in ten minutes. Luis Enrique was very upset about that. So much so, that the forwards missed easy goals in all those matches.

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