Statistics of Cúcuta vs Millonarios
In the first division and in a total of 89 official matches, Cúcuta has won 31 times, there have been 30 draws, and Millonarios has celebrated only 28 times.
In terms of offensive power, the 'Rojinegros' have been more effective with 108 goals, while the Bogotá team has scored 102 times.
The most recent victory of Millonarios in their visit to the border was on Wednesday, August 28, 2013.
Cúcuta 0
Millonarios 1: Román Torres.
Referee: Luis Sánchez.
Most recent draw, Saturday, August 11, 2007
Cúcuta 2: Lionard Pajoy (2)
Millonarios 2: Ricardo Manuel Ciciliano - Néstor Fabián Silva.
Referee: Wilmar Roldán.
The most recent victory for Cúcuta was on Sunday, April 22, 2012
Cúcuta 2: Víctor Uribe - Juan Giovanni García.
Millonarios 1: Erik Andrés Moreno.
Referee: Adrián Vélez.