
Debut of the mixed duo: the boys join synchronized swimming.

Sábado 25 de Julio del 2015

Debut of the mixed duo: the boys join synchronized swimming.

Russia and the United States lead the technical-only test. Much anticipation at the Kazan Arena to see an innovative trial.

Russia and the United States lead the technical-only test. Much anticipation at the Kazan Arena to see an innovative trial.

Synchronized Swimming: Historic Debut of Mixed Technical Duet

There was great anticipation at the Kazan Arena to witness the historic debut of the mixed technical duet, a routine that for the first time includes the participation of males in synchronized swimming. Only six teams have participated in this relatively new event, but it has showcased some unique elements not often seen in traditional female duets, including different swimsuits, choreography, and technical figures.

Russia took the lead with an innovative duet, where the male athlete wore a swimsuit resembling a military uniform. Their love story received a score of 88.8539 and earned applause from the audience. Right behind them came the favorite, the United States, featuring the legendary Cirque du Soleil dancer Bill May. Despite his spectacular figures, they only managed to secure second place with a score of 86.710. Italy and Ukraine will compete for the bronze medal. The Italian pair, Flamini and Minisini, has an advantage with a score of 85.4124.

Spain will not compete in the technical duet event, but they will participate in the free duet. Gemma Mengual and Pau Ribes are eagerly awaiting their debut, which will take place on Tuesday. After this World Championship, FINA will decide whether to continue with this event, aiming to promote equality in synchronized swimming.

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