Since last Wednesday, November 2, the Food Bonus has officially started to be delivered. After much waiting and various postponements, the subsidy will reach those who need it most.
Approximately 4.2 million adults in economic vulnerability throughout the country will have the opportunity to receive the 270 soles subsidy created due to the increase in food prices.
Bonus Food 2022: How to know if I was benefited?
- Enter
- Enter your DNI number, issuance date, and accept the privacy policy
- Click on the 'Consulta si eres beneficiario' button
- Here you will see if you are eligible for the Food Bonus 2022
Bonus Food: Groups in which beneficiaries are separated
Group 1: This group is made up of people who already have a bank account, delivery for them began on November 2.
Group 2: It includes all citizens who live in the most remote communities in the country. This sector will begin to receive the money starting November 9.
Group 3: It includes individuals who do not have bank accounts and do not have a cell phone in their name, theywill receive the subsidy through Banco de la Nación windows starting on November 2.
Group 4: This group is made up of people who do not have bank accounts, but who will open digital wallets to receive the bonus starting on November 24.
Bonus Food 2022: Who are the beneficiaries?
- Adults who are in the National Register for COVID-19 Measures
- People considered poor or extreme poor according to the SISFHO
- Members of the Juntos, Contigo, and Pensión 65 Programs who were not in Group 1
- Households whose members are not on the public and private payroll
- Families with a monthly income less than S/1,025 soles
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