
What are photocivics and how do they work in CDMX?

Miercoles 20 de Julio del 2022

What are photocivics and how do they work in CDMX?

In this note, you will be able to learn about the sanctions you could receive if you commit an infraction in Mexico City.

In this note, you will be able to learn about the sanctions you could receive if you commit an infraction in Mexico City.

Since April 22, the photocivics have been in effect. This new measure aims to create awareness among drivers through fines and, above all, reduce the number of vehicular accidents in Mexico City.

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If you still don't know what this new regulation consists of, you must pay close attention to this note because we will provide you with detailed information about photocivics. Pay close attention!

How do photocivics work in CDMX?

All vehicles with license plates from Mexico City will have 10 points, which will be valid for 6 months. In the event of a violation recorded by cameras and radars, drivers will lose one point, except for cars that exceed 40% of the speed limit, which will lose 5 points.

List of violations:

  • Circulating in the opposite direction: -1
  • Entering waiting area (motorcyclists and cyclists): -1
  • Invading the pedestrian crosswalk: -1
  • Transporting children in the front seat: -1
  • Running a red light: -1
  • Making an illegal turn: -1
  • Not wearing a seatbelt/Not wearing a helmet: -1
  • Using a cell phone: -1
  • Speeding: -1
  • Exceeding the established speed limit by 40%: -5

What happens if I lose all 10 points?

If you exceed the number of violations, you will be fined and will have to perform two hours of community service. Keep in mind that this measure aims to reduce accidents in Mexico City.

Can public transport be fined with photocivics?

Drivers in charge of buses can also be fined with photocivics and monetary penalties. These vehicles have been included in order to protect passengers and citizens.

Where can I see my fines?

If you think you have committed a violation, you have three options to find out this information:

  • Through a notification at your home.
  • Email.
  • Click HERE to check if you have a fine.

For more information, visit Libero.pe.

Ver noticia en Libero.pe

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