The anime Dragon Ball Super stayed stopped at the Tournament of Power. However, Toyotaro, the manga's author, started a new saga in which the protagonists face Moro. On the other hand, Dragon Ball Heroes has a villain alternative to Goku and Vegeta's story: Hearts.
Don't be fooled! The following photo is not the first time we see Moro in color. V-Jump magazine, in charge of publishing manga from several mangakas, shared on social media the cover of the next volume.
There, the villain is seen alongside Goku and Vegeta in full color as a promotion for Chapter 52 of Dragon Ball Super. But long before, Toyotaro had already shown the sketches of Moro before premiering the next saga, after the Tournament of Power.
One of the great surprises of this magazine cover is that another villain has been placed on the cover: Hearts. He is one of the new characters introduced by Dragon Ball Heroes to Goku and Vegeta's story.
Apparently, the villain will have his own card in the arcade of the same name as the anime. Is he canon in the Dragon Ball Super plot? Unfortunately, it is only a plot in an alternate future and it is not taken into account for the original story. Which one is your favorite?

Dragon Ball Super: Hearts, villain of Dragon Ball Heroes, shines alongside Moro in V-Jump magazine. (Photo: V-Jump)

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