
Gladys Tejeda made her statement before the Peruvian Athletics Federation regarding doping.

Miercoles 28 de Octubre del 2015

Gladys Tejeda made her statement before the Peruvian Athletics Federation regarding doping.

Gladys Tejeda appeared on Wednesday morning before the Justice Commission of the Peruvian Athletics Federation to present her arguments after testing positive in the anti-doping test at the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games, which resulted in her gold medal in the 42K marathon being revoked.

Gladys Tejeda appeared on Wednesday morning before the Justice Commission of the Peruvian Athletics Federation to present her arguments after testing positive in the anti-doping test at the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games, which resulted in her gold medal in the 42K marathon being revoked.

Gladys Tejeda appeared before the Justice Committee of the Peruvian Athletics Federation

Gladys Tejeda appeared on Wednesday morning before the Justice Committee of the Peruvian Athletics Federation to give her defense after testing positive in the doping test at the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, which led to the withdrawal of the gold medal she won in the 42K marathon.

[Gladys Tejeda: Doping confirmed and decision on revoking gold medal in 10 days]

"I am here fighting against all this problem (tested positive in doping) that arose there in Toronto after the competition, but I already feel calmer for having attended the oral hearing," said Gladys Tejeda after the meeting, which lasted approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

[Gladys Tejeda to Daniel Abugattás: "To say that I drugged stains my honor"]

The national athlete indicated that she will confidently await the decision of the Justice Committee of the Peruvian Athletics Federation, to which she presented evidence of her innocence, which should be announced in about 10 days.

[Gladys Tejeda: Odepa confirms suspension and withdrawal of gold medal she won in Toronto 2015 for doping]

"I will continue respectfully waiting for the result, but I will continue with the sport. I do not intend to stay idle because I have a very big goal, which is the Rio 2016 Games. We hope that I can arrive in good shape at this competition," said Gladys Tejeda.

In addition, Gladys Tejeda announced that she will support the campaign that the Peruvian Athletics Federation, the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD), and the Peruvian Olympic Committee (COP) will start against doping. "What I have experienced is not easy. Reaching the level I reached is based on effort and sacrifice, and what happened to me could have happened to any other athlete," she said.

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