
Basic exercises for better posture while running.

Lunes 08 de Julio del 2019

Basic exercises for better posture while running.

To enjoy running more, it is important to have flexibility so that your muscles do not overload and thus avoid possible pains or cramps.

To enjoy running more, it is important to have flexibility so that your muscles do not overload and thus avoid possible pains or cramps.

Although running may seem very simple, there are certain key guidelines for better posture and greater enjoyment of running. Before focusing on the correct posture, let's take a quick look at 2 basic points for every runner. On the running school website, they mention some important data to consider.

Stretch before and after
Even if you achieve a good running posture, it's important to have flexibility so that your muscles don't overload and to avoid possible pain or contractures.

Strengthen your weaker muscles
Another factor that interferes with good posture is the lack of strength in some of your muscle groups. That's why it's vital to do strength training. If you work on your glutes, abdominal area, and lower back, you'll have the necessary strength to support your body weight and maintain an upright posture.

Do specific exercises to improve your back posture
The best thing to do is to analyze how you're running to know what to correct. A good idea is to go running with a friend and have them record you for a while, this way it will be easier to detect where the most common errors are. You can do planks to strengthen your lower back or abdomen, or walk on your heels to the tips of your toes. Doing Pilates or Yoga is a good option to gain body awareness and educate your posture, both in your daily life and in your workouts.

1. Hyperextensions
This exercise consists of lying face down on a mat, stretching your whole body with your arms extended forward, and lifting your shoulders, arms, and legs. It is also recommended to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. This exercise is also known as the 'superman' and there are alternate variations on the same idea.

2. Deadlift
To do this exercise, you only need some weight like a bar or a special ball. Stand with your knees flexed and lower the weight to the ground with fixed legs and a straight back. "These exercises strengthen the core of the body, which is the lower back and abdominal area, areas where a large part of the wear and tear occurs while running. That's why it's very important to work on these exercises to improve coordination, stability, and strength." It is advisable to gradually adapt to these exercises, a good way to do this is to reduce your distance and pace while focusing on improving your posture, this way you will gradually adapt your body to these changes.

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