
Sitting all day long, kills.

Sábado 03 de Septiembre del 2016

Sitting all day long, kills.

Sitting kills, by Marién Estrada / @caminoamarillo7

Sitting kills, by Marién Estrada / @caminoamarillo7

Health and Productivity

At the molecular level, the human body was designed to be active and in motion throughout the day. When it stops moving for long periods, it's like telling the body it's time to stop functioning and prepare for death; according to James Levine, co-director of the Mayo Clinic and the Obesity Initiative at Arizona State University and author of the book Stand Up! Because Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It.

Cited in an article by Health Guru Joseph Mercola, Levine states that it should be rest that breaks the activity, not the other way around: The long periods of inactivity of most employees is not a lifestyle, he says.

"This sitting posture is not only bad for your back, wrists, arms, and metabolism, but it actually disables the fundamental systems that supply the fuel needed to integrate what happens in the bloodstream with what happens in the muscles and tissues." As stated in the article, there are several studies showing that sitting for long periods "actively promotes dozens of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity, even if you exercise."

"Research shows that maintaining a regular exercise regimen is not enough to counteract the accumulated negative effects of sitting for eight to 12 hours a day. It was found that sitting increases the risk of death from virtually every health problem, from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and cancer."

As a general rule, Mercola recommends avoiding sitting for more than 50 minutes out of every hour. A recent article from CNN suggests that if it's impossible to avoid sitting while working, at least learn to "sit smarter": by incorporating yoga postures and some simple breathing exercises, it is possible that the time spent in a chair is not so harmful.

Yoga to Reduce Stress in the Office

Twists. Sitting, with your feet firmly planted on the floor and open at hip-width, inhale lengthening the torso and exhale twisting to the right, take hold of the back of the chair with both hands and feel the twist from your navel. The twist activates the central nervous system and lubricates the vertebrae, it also stimulates the digestive system through pressure on the abdomen.

Repeat to the other side, taking between five and 10 long and deep breaths in each direction. Forward bends. With the previous starting position, inhale lengthening the torso upwards, exhale bending it forward until you bring it towards the thighs, rest a few breaths in this posture. Hip opening in a figure of four.

Lean on your chair or desk, place your weight on your left leg. Place your right foot on the left thigh above the knee in a figure-of-four position. Exhale as you sit down, as deeply as you can without discomfort. You should hold this position for five long and deep breaths. Repeat on the other side. Meditation.

The practice of mindfulness or mindful awareness, focusing the mind on the breath, has a positive impact on areas of the brain associated with attention and memory. This meditation can be practiced for two minutes whenever you need to focus and stabilize the mind.

Where to Practice


Yoga for companies



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