
Rio 2016: Russia and the dives that received a perfect zero.

Domingo 28 de Agosto del 2016

Rio 2016: Russia and the dives that received a perfect zero.

Russia, an athletic powerhouse, had no luck with two of its best cards in the platform diving. One of them, a former champion in London 2012.

Russia, an athletic powerhouse, had no luck with two of its best cards in the platform diving. One of them, a former champion in London 2012.

As the Rio Olympics come to an end, several anecdotes will endure for a long time, especially those related to the greatest performances of some athletes... and also, the worst ones.

Mientras los Juegos Olímpicos de Río se acercan a su fin, varias, entre muchas anécdotas, perdurarán por buen tiempo, sobre todo las relacionadas a las más grandes presentaciones de algunos atletas… y también, a las peores.

It seems that Russia, a historical powerhouse in athletics, did not have a good time when it comes to diving, as two of its top representatives had the worst jumps in this discipline. The first to receive the dubious 'honor' was Nadezhda Bazhina (29).

Parece que Rusia, una potencia histórica del atletismo, no pasó un buen momento en cuanto a clavados se refiere, y es que dos de sus mayores representantes protagonizaron los peores saltos en esta disciplina. La primera en recibir el dudoso ‘honor’ fue Nadezhda Bazhina (29).

Not even her two European championships in three-meter springboard diving were enough, as during her fourth jump in the preliminaries, a bad maneuver caused her body to be propelled and deviated to the left, resulting in a backflip against the water after a triple somersault.

Ni sus dos campeonatos europeos en saltos de trampolín de tres metros le sirvieron, y durante su cuarto salto de las preliminares, una mala maniobra hizo que su cuerpo saliera despedido y desviado a la izquierda, dándose un espaldazo contra el agua tras un triple mortal.

This regrettable act earned her a resounding zero and dashed her hopes of qualifying for the finals, in addition to being remembered as the athlete with the "worst dive in history". However, shortly afterward, her compatriot, Ilya Zakharov (25), gold medalist in London 2012, would suffer the same fate.

El lamentable acto le valió un rotundo cero y las esperanzas de clasificar a las finales, además de ser recordada como la atleta del “peor clavado de la historia”. Sin embargo, poco después su compatriota, Ilya Zakharov (25), medalla de oro en Londres 2012, correría la misma suerte.

In his fourth dive in the semifinals, Zakharov lost his balance from the start and fell into the water with his legs bent and belly flopped. The judges were once again merciless, giving him a zero and leaving him in last place in the semifinals. Afterward, analyzing the events, he gave this statement:

En su cuarto clavado de las semifinales, Zakharov perdió el balance desde el comienzo y cayó al agua con las piernas dobladas y un panzazo. El jurado volvió a ser inclemente, se llevó un cero y quedó en el último lugar de las semifinales. Luego, analizando los hechos, dio esta explicación:

"I was flying over the springboard and the springboard was going in the opposite direction. I couldn't make it work for me, so the two things clashed. There was a very strong tension and my legs simply couldn't withstand the pressure."

“Yo estaba volando sobre el trampolín y el trampolín iba en la dirección contraria. No logré que trabajara para mí, así que las dos cosas se enfrentaron. Hubo una tensión muy fuerte y mis piernas simplemente no pudieron soportar la presión”.

He also stated that he never adapted to the outdoor pool at the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center in Rio, with its changing conditions. This dive, as if that weren't enough, injured his knee. He still doesn't know if he will compete in Tokyo 2000. For now, he will return home and see his newborn daughter.

Además señaló que nunca se acondicionó a la piscina al aire libre del centro acuático Maria Lenk de Río, con sus condiciones cambiantes. Este clavado, por si fuera poco, le lastimó la rodilla. Aún no sabe si competirá en Tokio 2000. Por lo pronto volverá a casa y verá a su hija recién nacida.

"Right now, all I want to do is see my family and forget about everything else," he added. Finally, a special mention goes to Malaysian Azman Ahmad Amsyar, who, after five very good jumps that could have qualified him for the next round, fell on his face on the sixth jump.

“En este momento lo único que quiero es ver a mi familia y olvidarme de todo lo demás”, acotó. Por último, una mención aparte merece el malayo Azman Ahmad Amsyar, quien tras cinco muy buenos saltos que podrían haberlo clasificado a la siguiente fase, cayó de cara en el sexto.

At least it wasn't a zero, as he received a score of 9.75 out of 100, but it left him last on the scoreboard.

El despliegue al menos no fue de cero, pues recibió una calificación de 9,75 sobre 100, pero le hizo quedar último en la tabla.

Ver noticia en Panamericana Deportes

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