
Today's exchange rate in Venezuela, Saturday September 23: DólarToday and Monitor Dólar.

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Today's exchange rate in Venezuela, Saturday September 23: DólarToday and Monitor Dólar.

If you want to exchange your bolivars this Saturday, September 23rd, check how much the US bill quotes according to DolarToday and Monitor Dólar.

If you want to exchange your bolivars this Saturday, September 23rd, check how much the US bill quotes according to DolarToday and Monitor Dólar.

Price of the dollar in Venezuela TODAY, September 23

The closing price of the dollar BCV for TODAY, Saturday September 23, 2023 is Bs. 33.99 according to the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV).

What is the price of the dollar in Venezuela, according to Yummy Dollar?

Yummy Dollar indicated that the price of the dollar is 33.92 bolívares for this Friday, September 23, 2023, so we reveal its quotation in Dollar Today and Monitor Dollar below.

Price of the dollar according to Monitor Dollar and Dollar Today

The exchange rate of the dollar in Monitor Dollar closed at Bs. 35.22 in Venezuela. Likewise, its price in Dollar Today for today, Saturday September 23, 2023 is Bs. 34.44.

What is Monitor Dollar?

Monitor Dollar is a platform that helps citizens to know the average price of the dollar in Venezuela. People can know the quotation of the US currency every day thanks to the system of this portal.

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