The National Identity Document (DNI) is the essential document that every Peruvian must have and carry, as it is our introduction for all kinds of procedures or simply to identify ourselves. This document issued by the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) has several numbers and codes, which often confuse users.
An example of this is the so-called "fourth level", a series of codes that appears on the back of the DNI. For some, this series of codes may seem insignificant, but they are actually of great importance. Below you will find out what these numbers are for.

YOU CAN SEE: DNI: steps to renew your document online from abroad - LINK
What does the fourth level in the DNI mean?
When we refer to the "fourth level", this refers to the geographical location code, which is also known as the ubigeo of the registered address on the DNI. This added all the information related to populated centers according to Law No. 31079.
What is the fourth level of the DNI for?
This series of numbers allows identifying the location of a certain populated center, including localities that aspire to be new districts. This information (birth and domicile) will be used for electoral purposes.
How to update the ubigeo data on the DNI?
The owner of the registration must go to a local, agency, or itinerant campaign of Reniec, complying with the payment of the fee and other requirements established in the TUPA of the registry entity.
The official portal of the Peruvian government mentions the following: "In case the beneficiary community of the new district requires free updating of the ubigeo data on the DNI, the budget for this benefit must be contemplated from the proposal for the creation of a new geographical category and territorial demarcation changes."
It should be noted that this code appears in both blue DNIs (adults) and yellow DNIs (minors).