
Independientemente de su nacionalidad o situación laboral, todo ciudadano peruano tiene derecho a cobrar una gratificación por Fiestas Patrias. Este beneficio económico se otorga a todos los trabajadores del país y equivale a una remuneración extra, la cual se paga en dos partes: la primera a más tardar el 15 de julio y la segunda antes del 15 de diciembre. Es importante señalar que este beneficio se deposita directamente en la cuenta del trabajador y su monto depende del total de remuneraciones percibidas en los últimos seis meses de labores.

Hace un año

Independientemente de su nacionalidad o situación laboral, todo ciudadano peruano tiene derecho a cobrar una gratificación por Fiestas Patrias. Este beneficio económico se otorga a todos los trabajadores del país y equivale a una remuneración extra, la cual se paga en dos partes: la primera a más tardar el 15 de julio y la segunda antes del 15 de diciembre. Es importante señalar que este beneficio se deposita directamente en la cuenta del trabajador y su monto depende del total de remuneraciones percibidas en los últimos seis meses de labores.

In July, companies make the payment of the popular 'grati' for Fiestas Patrias. Find out all the details in this article that we have prepared at Depor.

In July, companies make the payment of the popular 'grati' for Fiestas Patrias. Find out all the details in this article that we have prepared at Depor.

July is one of the most anticipated months of the year because it has many important dates such as holidays for Independence Day and for workers, the coveted bonus, which consists of the payment of an extra salary as a benefit for all formal private sector workers. In the following article, learn all the details of who receives it and when is the deadline for companies to deposit the money.

How to receive an extraordinary bonus of 9%?

Workers who are on the payroll and within the private sector regime will receive a full salary for the bonus and, additionally, EsSalud affiliates will receive an extraordinary bonus of 9%, according to the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL). Meanwhile, workers affiliated with a Health Provider Company (EPS) will receive an extraordinary bonus of 6.76%.

"In accordance with Law No. 27735, the law that regulates the granting of bonuses and provided that the worker has worked the entire semester (January - June 2023). The deadline for the payment of this benefit expires on July 15, and it must be included in the electronic payroll,” said Álvaro Gálvez, legal manager of the CCL.

Beneficiaries of the 2023 bonus

According to Law No. 27735, it states that the following people are entitled to receive bonuses:

  • All workers subject to the private sector regime.
  • In the case of workers in small companies, they are entitled to half of the bonus (in July and December).
  • Those workers who work under the agricultural regime.
  • Workers of public entities under the private sector labor regime.

When is the 2023 bonus paid?

The bonus is an economic benefit that employers are required to deposit on Independence Day and on Christmas holidays, that is, twice a year. The Bonus Law also states that this benefit for workers must be paid no later than July 15. This means that private sector workers will receive their bonuses until Saturday, July 15, as failing to do so could result in a significant sanction for employers. The Christmas bonus must be paid by December 15, 2023.

How to calculate the 2023 Independence Day bonus?

Workers who want to know the amount they will receive as a bonus for Independence Day can calculate it as follows:

  • Go to https://aplicativosweb6.sunafil.gob.pe/si.calculadoraLaboral/inicio
  • Enter your personal information: DNI, date of birth, issue date, and verification digit.
  • Enter the RUC of your employer.
  • Fill in the details about your salary.
  • Done! You will receive information about the remuneration you will receive.

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