
How to properly uninstall an application from your Android device?

Viernes 28 de Abril del 2023

How to properly uninstall an application from your Android device?

Do you press the icon on your screen or search for it in the Google Play Store to delete the apps? It seems like you are making a mistake. Here, we provide you with a solution.

Do you press the icon on your screen or search for it in the Google Play Store to delete the apps? It seems like you are making a mistake. Here, we provide you with a solution.

Surely on more than one occasion you deleted an application from your mobile device because it took up too much space or simply because you were no longer interested. However, you may have made some mistakes and be storing 'junk files'.

Usually, users look for the app on the main screen of their mobile and tap on the icon. Then, they wait a few seconds for the notification that says 'uninstall'. They even go to Google Play Store to uninstall it instantly.

With these two methods, all you do is leave useless files that just accumulate. In the end, they make your phone slow. Therefore, here we provide you with a solution that you can do instantly.

How to uninstall apps from your mobile?

To prevent your Android device from having those useless files, follow a few simple and quick steps to remove them 100%.

  • First, go to the settings of your mobile (you can find it with the wheel symbol).
  • Press the option that says 'applications'.
  • Then, search and tap on the app you want to remove from your device.
  • Immediately, information about the application will be displayed.
  • After that, tap on the section called 'Storage'.
  • There, press the button that says 'delete data' located at the bottom left.
  • Finally, uninstall the app from the main interface or from Google Play Store.

For more information, visit Libero.pe.

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