
Inter Milan loses in Bologna and stays 18 points behind Napoli.

Domingo 26 de Febrero del 2023

Inter Milan loses in Bologna and stays 18 points behind Napoli.

Inter Milan lost by a minimal difference against Bologna and is now 18 points behind Napoli, the leader of Serie A.

Inter Milan lost by a minimal difference against Bologna and is now 18 points behind Napoli, the leader of Serie A.

The Inter Milan loses to Bologna

The Inter Milan, second in the Serie A, lost on Sunday in Bologna (1-0) in the 24th round of the Italian championship, giving the leader Napoli, who had won in Empoli (2-0) on Saturday, an 18-point cushion.

The Napolitans, without a rival that casts a shadow over them this season in Italy, can afford to lose up to six of the 14 remaining matches in the league to win the Scudetto. At this rate, they could conquer their third league title in late April or early May, following the two of the Maradona era (1987, 1990).

The Inter Milan felt the fatigue from four days earlier when they dominated Porto (1-0) in the first leg of the Champions League round of 16 and conceded a goal with 15 minutes remaining after a powerful shot by Riccardo Orsolini (76) in front of goalkeeper André Onana.

"We conceded a goal that we shouldn't have. We are angry because it's true that we came from an exhausting match, but clearly we have to do better," said Inter coach Simone Inzaghi in an interview with Sky Sport.
"Recibimos un gol que no se debe recibir. Estamos enfadados porque, es verdad que llegábamos de un partido agotador, pero claramente tenemos que hacerlo mejor", lamentó el técnico interista Simone Inzaghi ante el micrófono de Sky Sport.

El estadio Renato-Dall'Ara es un recinto maldito para Inzaghi, después de que la temporada pasada el Inter perdiese en Bolonia sus opciones de título tras una derrota en abril (2-1).

El Bolonia, bajo la batuta del técnico Thiago Motta, confirma su línea ascendente desde mediados de enero y asciende al séptimo puesto, no lejos de los puestos europeos.

"Estoy orgulloso de ver la simbiosis que se ha creado en torno al equipo, de ver a los aficionados cantar así", celebró por su parte Motta.

El Inter Milan could be caught in second place by Roma (3rd) and AC Milan (4th), both three points behind the Nerazzurri.

Los Rossoneri, with the long-awaited return of French goalkeeper Mike Maignan after five months away from the field due to injury, will host Atalanta (6th) on Sunday. Giallorossi will visit the bottom-placed Cremonese on Tuesday.


Ver noticia en Laaficion.milenio.com

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