
Tebas: "I confirm Telefónica's offer, but it is insufficient."

Martes 30 de Junio del 2015


"We will never sell the rights to one person, unless it is a very exceptional case, but it will be sold to many territories," he stated.

"We will never sell the rights to one person, unless it is a very exceptional case, but it will be sold to many territories," he stated.

President of the Professional Football League, Javier Tebas, ratified on Tuesday Telefónica's offer unveiled by AS for the exploitation of international television rights: "I confirm the offer. Telefónica has sent a burofax. An interesting way to communicate things... I can assure you that since we appointed Mediapro as the agency for international rights, we already have significant developments underway during these 15 days, and I can already state that this proposal is economically insufficient".

"Spanish football will generate more revenue internationally with a system that is more correct according to the League. We will never sell the rights to one party, unless it is a very exceptional case, but rather they will be sold to many territories. The amount and the form of Telefónica's offer is insufficient. We have asked them for more data," he added.

These statements were made at an event at the Superior Council of Sports where the signing of a Manifesto to prevent and eradicate match-fixing in sports competitions took place, and to support the Council of Europe in the approval of new laws next week in Luxembourg to combat this scourge. Miguel Cardenal, Jose Luis Saez from the Basketball Federation, and other federations were present.

In addition, Javier Tebas also spoke about other topics:

Bidding for audiovisual rights: "The bidding for national audiovisual rights will begin on July 6 and there will be several lots. 10-12 days will be given for the reception of offers".

Real Madrid's complaint: "I don't know if Florentino is mad at me. I say what I think. I talk a lot with Madrid. The president knows that we can talk whenever he wants. It can't be strange to him what I say because I have told him personally".

Cristiano's image rights: "I think those rights were already in the hands of a third company. I don't know the details, but if what has been published is true, it would be a company owned by the president (Peter Lim of Valencia), which is not the same. And I believe, I may be wrong because I don't have the contracts, that it is not related to sports exploitation and is only for Asia. It is not linked to the world of football".

Match-fixing: "This problem cannot be solved with just one signature. We have to work to eradicate this scourge. No sport is immune, and we all have to work together. In the League, we have five people in the integrity department for this issue".

Match-fixing at the end of the season? "Well, we'll see. Last year they already asked me if there was a clean end to the season and two months later there were arrests. We will have to wait. I hope it has been cleaner than other years. This is not like the movies, it's more complicated. It is not known immediately. The problems are not only at the end of the season due to betting, we have it fairly controlled but we have to keep working"

League: "We have decided for it to start on August 16, now let's see what the Federation and the union say. There is a problem with dates. It is not a political issue. Let's hope it is the 16th because it is the best option, and if not, the CSD will have to decide".

Qatar: "We would lose 65 million euros if the dates of the World Cup are changed. Changing it to November would be very detrimental because the league would be halted for two months. It is terrible for sponsors and for all the players who would not go to the World Cup, which is the majority. The damage is incredible, especially because Qatar is willing to hold it in summer or May. The change is not understood".

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