Domingo 28 de Febrero del 2016

University student: Balbín prevented Municipal from scoring with a bicycle kick [VIDEO]

Domingo 28 de Febrero del 2016

Sports University was able to see their goal defeated at the beginning of the second half after a shot by Maximiliano Velasco, forward for Deportivo Municipal, but the presence of Adán Balbín was monumental.


Universitario de Deportes

The Universitario de Deportes team could see their goal breached at the beginning of the second half after a shot by Pablo Lavandeira, forward of Deportivo Municipal, but the presence of Adán Balbín was monumental.

Pablo Lavandeira entered the cream area and chipped the ball over Cáceda, who was already beaten. However, Adán Balbín, defensive midfielder of Universitario de Deportes, prevented the goal with a fabulous scissor kick clearance.

The attendees at the National Stadium applauded and praised Balbín's prodigious intervention, who is once again a starter in a match after several rounds.


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El Comercio (@elcomercio) 28 de febrero de 2016

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