
Germany offers employment and housing to foreigners: find out HERE all the requirements.

Jueves 30 de Junio del 2022

Germany offers employment and housing to foreigners: find out HERE all the requirements.

Look at what Germany has been doing by opening several job opportunities for foreigners worldwide. Learn more in this article.

Look at what Germany has been doing by opening several job opportunities for foreigners worldwide. Learn more in this article.

Opportunities must be seized and Germany is a country that knows that very well. The European country has opened job positions for foreign citizens, who will have excellent salaries and benefits. If you want to know more about this great opportunity, read this article where we provide you with all the information.

Germany is giving job opportunities to foreigners from around the world. The European country has opened different positions for those who want to earn a good salary and do it in another country.

In this article, you will be able to know what positions are available and how much money the people who access these jobs will earn. Therefore, if you wish to know all the details of this job offer, you must pay close attention to the following information.

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Amidst the communication from high officials to the media, it was announced that one of the most urgent and important positions to be filled are in the airports, due to the lack of staff and flight cancellations of travelers.

According to the German Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil, the country seeks to increase the number of workers in view of the summer vacations: "The government plans to allow the entry of foreign personnel whose need to find temporary work in Germany is urgent," mentioned the official.

Likewise, it was announced that employers will comply with paying a standard salary, and even guarantee a payment dedicated to the temporary stay of the workers, according to the German official.

How many workers does Germany need in 2022?

According to the foreign newspaper Bild, the German government does not have an exact number of workers to cover the airport staff, however, it could reach 'four digits'. This shortage of collaborators would be due to the impact on the resumption of coronavirus infections in Germany.

"Foreign auxiliaries would be hired, for example, for baggage handling", said Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, to the Bild media, ruling out risks in terms of biosafety.

How many working hours are allowed in Germany?

Currently, Germany plans to apply a 42-hour work week, so the 8 hours per day could be increased to 10 hours, thus resuming productivity at the country's airports.

"I have great sympathy for an optional increase in weekly working hours, of course, with full wage compensation. A 42-hour week would certainly be easier to implement than a general introduction of retirement pensions at 70," debated the President of the Federation of German Industries, Siegfried Russwurm.

What jobs does Germany need in 2022?

Germany is looking for foreign workers who can perform jobs such as waiters, cleaners, sweepers or caregivers to workers or airplane crew, in order to stabilize operations within the airports and cover all their job offers.

What is the minimum wage in Germany?

Recently, the German government authorized an increase in its minimum wage for workers in the country, so thousands would receive a 25% increase from the 9.82 euros per hour, therefore, the daily rate would be 12 euros per hour worked.

"Those who have been earning 1,700 euros gross full-time based on the minimum wage, will receive 2,100 euros in the future," commented Minister Hubertus Heil to the media. Likewise, the interprofessional minimum wage in Germany for 2022 is set at 1,621 euros per month, that is, 19,452 euros.

For more information, visit Líbero.pe.

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