
Do you want to complain about the current situation of WWE? - The company has a means for that.

Martes 08 de Diciembre del 2015

Do you want to complain about the current situation of WWE? - The company has a means for that.

Although ratings may not be fundamental to WWE's financial stability and the arrival of a competitor as formidable as WCW seems highly unlikely, the truth is that it has been a long time since...

Although ratings may not be fundamental to WWE's financial stability and the arrival of a competitor as formidable as WCW seems highly unlikely, the truth is that it has been a long time since...

WWE's Recent Troubles with Fans

Although ratings are not fundamental to WWE's financial stability and the arrival of a competitor as big as WCW seems completely implausible, the truth is that it has been a long time since the company faced a consistent negative response from fans towards their entire product in general.

Before, there have been instances where a significant portion of the audience decided to turn their backs on the McMahon company due to certain specific mistakes, such as the stripping of Daniel Bryan's WWE Championship after Night of Champions 2013 or Roman Reigns' victory in the 2015 Royal Rumble, clear examples of moments when WWE went in the wrong direction in recent years.

However, now it seems that the company has not succeeded in virtually anything it has tried in recent months, or at least that is what fans have shown with their response to the increasingly less viewed product, not only in terms of television audience, but also with attendees to the most important weekly live show, Monday Night Raw.

The blame for this situation has been thrown in various directions, mainly towards Kevin Dunn, the head writer, and Vince McMahon, who has long been accused of having lost his touch and not listening to the WWE Universe. However, WWE has a channel to listen to complaints, although not suggestions, from its audience.

Contact comments can be sent to the email [email protected]

How does this account work? Wade Keller from Pro Wrestling Torch provides a brief summary:

Emails sent to [email protected] really are read and summarized for Vince and company.

Now, as mentioned earlier, this channel can function as a complaint box, but not as a suggestion box, and the WWE corporate website is very clear about this.

WWE Fan Services - Captura de Corporate.wwe.com

Fan Services

If you want to comment about our programming or superstars, please write to [email protected]

Please do not send any ideas/proposals about stories, character development, scripts, or business or marketing operations. WWE, Inc., does not consider or review these materials.

In summary, through this channel it is possible to indicate to WWE what the problems are with their product (monotonous, predictable, boring) but not how to solve them. Therefore, writing to ask for The Undertaker vs. Sting, Cesaro as world champion, or the return of the Attitude Era is a waste of time and takes away the opportunity for other comments to be heard.

As a final suggestion, it seems logical to assume that for an email to be read, it should be written in good English and free of insults or any other content that may generate immediate rejection.

Despite being restrictive, it is important to know that WWE has a channel to listen to the voice of its Universe beyond the declines in its numbers, which sometimes seem to be misunderstood.

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