
They will discuss medical aspects of the protocol.

Martes 05 de Mayo del 2020

They will discuss medical aspects of the protocol.

APF continues adjusting the health protocol for the return of football and for this Wednesday an important meeting is expected between the doctors of the clubs of the First Division.

APF continues adjusting the health protocol for the return of football and for this Wednesday an important meeting is expected between the doctors of the clubs of the First Division.

Paraguayan Football Association

Virtual Meeting of Doctors from First Division Clubs

Gerardo Brunsteim, Chief Medical Officer of the Paraguayan Football Association, revealed details in "Fútbol a lo Grande" about the virtual meeting that will take place on Wednesday at 17:00. The meeting will involve doctors from different First Division clubs. The main topic of discussion will be the medical and controversial aspects surrounding the sanitary protocol being prepared in order for football to resume.

During the interview, Dr. Brunsteim explained that one of the main subjects to be discussed is the "confinement" that should be applied to the teams, coaching staff, assistants, and personnel. They will consider whether it should be an open or closed confinement.

"We will listen to our colleagues and evaluate the pros and cons of each model. It's not useful to present a protocol from Germany or Spain if we don't have the infrastructure, personnel, and equipment to put it into practice," he mentioned.

Brunstein also mentioned that the doctors' opinions and consensus are the first step before moving on to a second phase, in which technical aspects will be discussed with the coaches and fitness trainers.

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