Two weeks before the quarantine for the new coronavirus was declared in our country, Pedro Pablo 'Perico' León arrived in Lima from the United States with his wife. In recent days, the former player of Alianza Lima and the Peruvian National Team has had some health complications and has been admitted to a local clinic.
Alianza Lima, through its social media, has provided updates on the current status of 'Perico' León.
"The legendary former player of Alianza Lima and the Peruvian National Team, Pedro Pablo León, was admitted to a local clinic with a case of kidney failure and pneumonia, complications derived from the illness that has been affecting him for some time", says the statement from the club.
The blanquiazul club also details that as part of the clinic's protocol, the former player "underwent the COVID-19 test, the result of which will be known in the next few hours. Currently, his health condition is reserved".
"Since his return to Peru at the end of February, 'Perico' has been receiving medical attention and personal care from Alianza Lima, which monitors his health status and is in constant contact with his family", concludes the statement.