
"None of the players have asked to play here or there..."

Lunes 22 de Junio del 2015

Real Madrid s new manager gave an interview with the club s website during which he discussed personnel and systems, and the Far East tour.

Real Madrid s new manager gave an interview with the club s website during which he discussed personnel and systems, and the Far East tour.

Playing style: "As I said at my presentation, the players you have largely mark the way you are going to play. We have attacking players, so our idea is to play offensively. You have to distinguish between a playing model and a system. A lot of people think that the players' position on the pitch, 4-4-2, 4-3-3, is a playing model and it isn't. Our model will be based on playing attacking football, keeping possession as much as we can, attacking by moving the ball quickly and trying not to lose the balance between defence and attack, while also having positive aggression and being able to adapt to several systems if necessary. We'll try to impose our game but we have to be capable of using other alternatives when needed. That's the difference between a model of play, basically attacking in our case, and a system, which is where the players line up on the pitch."

Change of positions among players: "From the first moment my technical staff and I have been following the players and we've been in touch with them. In the first instance, I'd like to say that the willingness to work all of them have displayed, Sergio Iker, Cristiano, Bale, Pepe, Varane... all of them, it has been excellent. The first thing I did was listen, to see what had gone well and what not so well for them last season, how they're feeling, what in their opinion could be improved upon and what they would like to do. I have done the same with all of the coaches and professionals at the club and once we're all back together, we'll take this information and decide what's best for the team and each of the players. I have seen a great attitude among them and we have told them that we are here for whatever they need. We've also been in touch with those players that are injured to gain as much time as possible before we start training. As to who will play where, as I said, we have to be together, train together and then we'll decide. In spite of what has been said, Iker, Sergio, Cristiano, Isco, Bale... nobody has asked to play here or there, among other things because we haven't yet decided the best system to try and get the maximum out of each player. They have to happy on the pitch to give the best of themselves."

Will there be signings? "Of course. Danilo and Casemiro, for example, are players who will be important and the club Works every day to try and raise the level of this team with a signing that will help us to meet challenges, but permit me to say that improving the squad at Real Madrid is extremely difficult. This team has won everything and has proven the quality they have. The fans can rest assured that this squad will have the competitive level that this club demands."

Holidays: "A few days ago an English coach, a friend of mine, phoned me for a chat and he said: 'It's Father's Day, but we're always working.' And in a way that's the case. After a couple of years away from home I try to spend as much time as I can with my wife and kid. But at the same time I'm working with my team and going over all the minutiae of this new adventure. We meet up and we talk with the different heads of each section to listen, exchange ideas and start to make decisions. From how the analysis department works, to the tour of Asia and Australia, which players are going to be available to travel..."

Tour: "I'm looking forward to it and the responsibility of representing this club across the world. We know what Real Madrid means to millions of fans on all the continents. The greatness of this club sometimes leads you to this kind of scenario, which is normal among the elite clubs, but let me put it into context. At other clubs we have done tours of this kind and the key is in the organization, where we are going to prioritize the sporting aspects. The installations and the conditions the players will be training under are key for us, we will try to reduce the travel times each day, and manage the rest periods between commitments to sponsors...!

Recovering players: "My main concern is to have all the injured players ready as quickly as possible. Communication and coordination between doctors, physios, trainers and coaches is necessary. The physical coaches work as one man and the dialogue with the medical staff will be held on a daily basis, all the information and knowledge shared so that the players are in the best shape possible. Changes always cause a bit of disruption but what we want is the best for the club and to make sure everything works perfectly.

Optimist: "I like to be. Throughout my career I have the good fortune to have very capable people around me. We know what we want and we know how to adapt to different situations. Real Madrid is a huge club, with a great team, big demands and it is under the spotlight of the entire world, so we will try to use common sense and make everything as straightforward as possible. I have been hired to take on responsibilities and I will; we will try and create a working atmosphere that will bring results. That is why I am optimistic, because we have the resources, the ability and the dedication to help us reach our objectives."

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