"Avengers: Infinity War" left many intrigued by its tragic ending. Many Marvel superheroes disappeared after Thanos' snap with the Infinity Gauntlet. But there was someone who didn't need to disappear, because he intentionally didn't want to be part of the action: we're talking about Hulk.
Those who saw the resounding success of Marvel will have noticed that Hulk refuses to obey Bruce Banner's orders to join the great battle against Thanos' army. Avengers fans believed that Hulk became cowardly after the tremendous beating he took at the beginning of the film from Thanos. It turns out the truth is different.
Director Joe Russo explained that Hulk's storyline in "Avengers: Infinity War" was designed for the character to develop later on in the plot. Russo spoke of the difficulty of introducing 23 superheroes, each with their own specific storyline. In the case of Hulk, the plot consists of an internal struggle in which Hulk resists solving Banner's problems.
The truth is that the reason why Hulk didn't want to appear when he was most needed is still unknown. We hope this aspect will be resolved in Avengers 4.
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