
Journalists confront each other regarding the broadcast.

Jueves 22 de Marzo del 2018

Journalists confront each other regarding the broadcast.

The failed awarding of the TV rights for the championship by Ecuafútbol to GolTV and the subsequent transfer of those rights to the clubs, generated a confrontation between sports journalists with employment relationships with the networks interested in broadcasting the tournament.

The failed awarding of the TV rights for the championship by Ecuafútbol to GolTV and the subsequent transfer of those rights to the clubs, generated a confrontation between sports journalists with employment relationships with the networks interested in broadcasting the tournament.

The failed assignment of TV rights for the championship by the Ecuadorian Football Federation to GolTV and their subsequent transfer to the clubs generated a confrontation between sports journalists who have a working relationship with the interested broadcasters. Indirect messages, mockery, and even insults that were shared on social media spilled over into the media. All of this while the federation leaders didn't know how to resolve this crisis, yet another one in the EFE. Mario Canessa, the owner of radio Caravana, intervened to mediate (through social media and on air) between commentators from his station who made fun of others - from that and other media outlets - using nicknames. The ones who felt targeted complained to the executive via Twitter.

Reference was made to certain journalists "running out of resources," referring to trips with the national team during Luis Chiriboga's presidency, or "parallel contracts" for appearing on international screens.

"I cannot accept that, based on these rights discussions, journalism has drawn bayonets and turned against each other, defending the theories of one company or another, things that happened in this media, on television, defending things they should not defend... maintaining a bitter and even hurtful discussion because many journalists, especially young ones, have taken positions on personal ambitions and aspirations rather than on concepts," said Canessa on his program yesterday. (D)

April 8th
Until that day, a commission proposed by the clubs was created to negotiate the broadcasting rights, which have been in their possession since Tuesday.

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