
Twice champion.

Viernes 09 de Marzo del 2018

Twice champion.

Being a woman and being an athlete with achievements represents for María Isabel Vélez Hernández a show of what the female gender can achieve: being an example for others who seek to excel.

Being a woman and being an athlete with achievements represents for María Isabel Vélez Hernández a show of what the female gender can achieve: being an example for others who seek to excel.

Winning the Lala Marathon Twice: A Testament to Determination and Preparation

Winning the Lala Marathon twice in a row, the most important athletic event in the Lagunera region, represents for María Isabel Vélez Hernández the culmination of a year-long commitment of both physical and mental preparation to stop the clock at 2 hours 49 minutes and 46 seconds.

Graduating from the Financial Administration program at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM), where she showcased her athletic talent in soccer, she decided six years ago to delve into athletics after running her first Lala Marathon.

Now athletics is her life, and she owes it to the fact that this sport has brought her countless satisfactions and fulfilled challenges by her own merits. Unlike the "game of kicks," she considers running a cleaner discipline without collisions, bumps, or insults.

Already in the world of athletics and after surpassing her own goals and expectations, she demonstrated her level in the 2017 edition, leaving within her a sense of commitment for the next marathon.

"There will always be excuses, obstacles, and other things that make your path difficult. However, when you manage to face those challenges, overcome them, and rise above it all, the end result is worth it, and the satisfaction will be so great that there won't be room for more happiness inside."

Her preparation for a competition of more than 42 kilometers begins as soon as the event is announced and is reinforced three months before the race, in December, a season characterized by social events that María Isabel had to put aside to focus on the upcoming race, which she did not see as a sacrifice.

"The truth is that I put aside some commitments, but I looked for a way to fulfill everything. It wasn't a sacrifice for me to miss out on many things because it was my decision to train for the result I wanted to achieve."

Mental preparation for such a caliber race was crucial for the two-time champion of the Lala Marathon. Visualizing it and designing a strategy proved to be decisive in achieving victory once again.

A week before the athletic competition, she started visualizing how her participation would be, but on the day before the anticipated day, she planned the strategy she would use, stating that it worked almost perfectly.

"The day before the marathon, I planned my competition strategy, at what pace I wanted to start, how long I wanted to maintain that pace, at what kilometer I would hydrate, and at which point I would take a gel, water, or a gummy bear. All to prepare my mind," said María Isabel Vélez.

Just a few seconds after the gunshot indicating the start of the Thirtieth Edition of the Lala Marathon, María Isabel decided not to start at a high speed, to maintain the rhythm, and speed up at the appropriate kilometer. It was at kilometer 25 where she pulled away from the other competitors and never let go of the lead.

Although she said she felt comfortable for most of the race, she began to feel the effects of dehydration after passing the halfway point due to not being able to drink any liquid at the permitted points for the leading runners, for one reason or another.

"By the Independencia boulevard stretch, I was very thirsty and couldn't drink the water offered by the people because I could be disqualified, so I had to wait for a hydration point," she points out.

As she passed through the streets and avenues of the Lagunera region, it was inevitable for her to recognize acquaintances, friends, and family in the crowd. This not only filled her with great emotion but also served as a sign that she had to continue to focus on the race.

"I heard people shouting my name and I wanted to greet everyone, but I knew that making any movements to return the greeting during so many kilometers would affect me, so I decided to focus on my own race and wink with my eyes closed as a sign of gratitude for the support from my acquaintances "

After covering over 35 thousand meters, Isabel Vélez's physical condition showcased her potential due to her excellent physical and mental preparation.

"It wasn't a sacrifice for me to miss out on many things because it was my decision to train for the result I wanted to achieve."

When crossing the finish line in first place for the second consecutive time, she felt a great sense of relief after completing a year of preparation. That's why she raised her arms, not only to break the ribbon of triumph but also to be closer to the sky, where she looked to her greatest inspiration, her grandmother, who was absent from the stands but always in María Isabel's heart and mind.

Not forgetting her family and the unwavering support of her partner, who is also a two-time champion of this competition, they were her greatest strength, providing words of encouragement that helped Isabel to put more effort into the race, which ended up being an incredible story as a championship couple and an example of life.

Being a woman and being an athlete with achievements represents, for the two-time champion Vélez Hernández, a demonstration of what the female gender can achieve. She is simply a living example for other women who are also striving to excel in their chosen fields.

"I feel very good to a certain extent for being an example that you can achieve what you're looking for or what you set out to do."

She believes that although most of the time the work of men is highlighted more in terms of results, performance, prizes, and even photographs, women are gradually closing the gender equality gap.

What advice would you give to young women who feel their goals are distant?

There will always be excuses, obstacles, and other things that make your path difficult. However, when you manage to face those challenges, overcome them, and rise above it all, the end result is worth it, and the satisfaction will be so great that there won't be room for more happiness inside.


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