Today an entry appeared in the Reddit forums that alerted the Xbox One community. The user ResetEra reported that his full name had been made public on Xbox LIVE, even though he had not authorized this feature at any time.
When users started investigating the Xbox One issue, they discovered that some privacy preferences had changed without permission and without prior notice. The latest console update seems to have changed this tool by default.
Other Xbox One users have started reporting the same issue, apparently Microsoft touched something it shouldn't have during the update. To make sure your privacy is maintained intact on the console, follow these steps.
1. Review the settings page.
2. Find the option "Share real name."
3. Find the option "share my real name with my friends' friends."
4. Configure the selection you want.
Microsoft has not stood idly by in this situation. The alarms went off in the Xbox One team and they declared the following: "Team, we are investigating this situation. Thank you for your report and for your patience."
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