The Most Powerful Water and Ice Pokémon in Pokémon GO
The year is coming to an end and Niantic doesn't want us to run out of content for their flagship video game, Pokémon GO. It was recently revealed that they would add more Gen III Pokémon, including Water and Ice types.
In this way, the question that many trainers ask themselves is which is the most powerful Pokémon of this type, since there are many combinations that affect the final result, such as the Pokémon's IVs, level, and possible attacks.
According to the analysis by PokémonGoHub, they reviewed all the existing Pokémon that could fall into this category, clarifying of course that once Kyogre is released in the game, it will be the best creature of this type.

Most powerful Water and Ice Pokémon in Pokémon GO (Photo: Pokémon Go Hub)
In this way, they also analyzed the weakest Pokémon, which included Sharpedo, Glalie, Crawdaunt, and many others that didn't have as high DPS as expected. The following table summarizes all the research with the top 10 Water and Ice type Pokémon from the Hoenn region:
Pokemon | Rating |
Kyogre | ★★★★★ |
Milotic | ★★★★ |
Relicanth | ★★★★ |
Walrein | ★★★☆ |
Ludicolo | ★★ |
Crawdaunt | ★ ☆ |
Whiscash | ★ |
Glalie | ★ |
Sharpedo | ★ |
Wailord | ☆ |