
Neither Rufete is thinking of resigning nor Layhoon wants him to leave.

Miercoles 17 de Junio del 2015

Neither Rufete is thinking of resigning nor Layhoon wants him to leave.

The president of Valencia and advisor Kim Koh interrupted their vacations and yesterday traveled to Spain to address the internal crisis that was sparked by Caio's signing. Yesterday, Layhoon had a contact meeting with Rufete in an ambiguous conversation. Amadeo Salvo will return tomorrow.

The president of Valencia and advisor Kim Koh interrupted their vacations and yesterday traveled to Spain to address the internal crisis that was sparked by Caio's signing. Yesterday, Layhoon had a contact meeting with Rufete in an ambiguous conversation. Amadeo Salvo will return tomorrow.

Valencia notes internal crisis

Layhoon Chan arrived in Valencia yesterday. Kim Koh also. Neither had this trip on their agendas two weeks ago. Not even last Tuesday. But of course, since Sao Paulo announced Rodrigo Caio's signing on Twitter and thanks to that, Amadeo Salvo and Rufete found out about it, the president's schedule became obsolete. The internal crisis requires the presence of Layhoon and a meeting with Amadeo Salvo will take place tomorrow to define positions and roles. But there was progress yesterday.

Layhoon and Rufete met at the club's offices. The meeting was brief. Barely 25 minutes. It was not scheduled. Layhoon went straight from the airport to her office and Rufete had stayed at the offices with his trusted people (Salvans, Ayala, Curro Torres, and José Jiménez). But taking advantage of the situation, the president called the general manager and they chatted.

One of the things Layhoon wants to clarify is whether the relationship between Nuno and Rufete is irreconcilable. At least to work in the same club. This will be discussed tomorrow with Amadeo Salvo present (there is no confirmation that Nuno will be present). As of today, what exists is that neither the general manager intends to resign nor the president intends to do without his services. They count on him. But the situation remains ambiguous or, rather, it is not officially concrete in terms of roles. Rufete did not leave the meeting with Layhoon questioned for his worth in Peter Lim's project, although he was not ratified either to continue with the planning. At this point, it is good to remember that the magnate already presented Rufete in April with a plan to export the Academy to Asia.

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