
The Organized Summer Animated Nonsense.

Miercoles 17 de Junio del 2015

The Organized Summer Animated Nonsense.

For the NFL enthusiast, OTAs are an oasis in the desert journey, and it is such our need, that we forget they are a mirage.

For the NFL enthusiast, OTAs are an oasis in the desert journey, and it is such our need, that we forget they are a mirage.

Note about the NFL Offseason

Of the many stages that make up the particular crucible of the NFL fan during the never-ending period between seasons, one of the most insignificant, but no less anticipated, are the traditional Organizated Team Activities, better known by their acronym in English: OTAs. Pseudo-training sessions whose Spanish equivalent would be "Obligatory Animated Nonsense". Obligatory because although they are theoretically voluntary, anyone who does not attend is marked by the team, so it is better for them to show up. Nonsense, because in these early training sessions, when contact is not allowed and full gear is not yet worn, what is shown in them has little value. Let's not make the mistake of getting excited about players because we read that they are in incredible shape. And animated, because given the above, coaches have to come up with activities that keep their players' enthusiasm alive.

Purpose of the Training Sessions

In my opinion, the purpose of these training sessions is not so much about sports as it is about keeping players who tend to "lose focus" excessively during the offseason under control. It is about formally introducing new coaches, allowing rookies to get to know their veteran teammates, having the second-year players play pranks on the rookies (which are strictly forbidden), and allowing journalists, who also have bills to pay, to submit their reports while Margaret, or whatever his wife's name is, plans the vacation with the kids. But it is also the first interaction between players and fans with a moving football, hence the unusual interest they generate.

Steelers' Training Sessions

In my opinion, more for motivation than actually planning to do so, Tomlin has his Steelers practicing two-point conversions, motivated by the increase in distance for extra points. It is well known that kicking field goals in Heinz Field is difficult, but I don't think it is that big of a deal. However, it is always more entertaining for both attackers and defenders to score or prevent this type of play. Apart from that, the sessions in Pittsburgh have been peaceful, except for a minor scuffle between Ramon Foster and Shayon Green that didn't escalate. The most important thing is that there were no major injuries, just a few scares, like Bryant's, and minor discomfort, which is normal at this time of year. The main goal was to give the young players who will have a special role this year, especially on defense, repetitions with the first unit.

Ravens' Training Sessions

The Ravens have not been as lucky in avoiding injuries. In these practice games, WRs Robinson and Campanaro, and undrafted CB Wilson got injured. We won't say that they are catastrophic losses (the WRs could be ready for training camp), but it is not good news to have casualties precisely in the weakest positions of the team. The plan on offense was to get familiar with Marc Trestman's new offense, which has become a tradition as he is the fourth offensive coordinator in the last four years. The offensive linemen preferred to skip this camp and train on their own, which the young players appreciated to get more repetitions with the first unit. On defense, the focus was on seeing how the new pieces acquired in free agency and the draft fit into the positions left by those who left, or as reinforcement for those positions that raised doubts last year.

Bengals' Training Sessions

If we talk about injuries, checking the condition of those who underwent surgery was the main point of interest at the Bengals' camp. The knee of LB Vontaze Burfict, the new leader of the Bengals' defense, required surgery and there is still no date for his recovery, making this the biggest cloud hanging over the Queen City at the moment. The first-round pick from last year's draft, OT Cedric Ogbuehi, is also recovering and is not expected to be on the field for the entire preseason. To counterbalance, fans were happy to see DT Atkins and DE Michael Johnson regain their form after a difficult 2014 plagued by injuries, and to see TE Eifert and WR Marvin Jones back on the field, which means Dalton has his complete group of receivers back. He better take advantage of it because the improvement shown by another injured player from 2014, QB McCarron, can put pressure on him as a backup for the first time since he joined the league.

Browns' Training Sessions

If we move on to Cleveland, we have to keep talking about QBs. The main point of interest, if not the only one, was to see who performed better, McCown or Manziel, and the answer is... neither. In principle, they have given the starting role to the veteran, but there is no guarantee that this situation will last long in the dynamic offense that new offensive coordinator John DeFilippo is preparing. In the absence of anything remarkable from the QBs (on the field, because off the field Manziel continues to make news, and not precisely for his maturity), it should be noted that the trio of running backs formed by West, Crowell, and rookie Duke Johnson is generating quite a bit of excitement. Considering the situation, a strong running game will be necessary to take pressure off the quarterbacks. A pressure that the whole team will feel... if the city is left without its long-awaited NBA title.

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