The creator of Facebook, "Mark Zuckerberg," along with members of the Icoquiq Capital company, would be interested in buying Tottenham from the Premier League, as reported by Gazzetta dello Sport.
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The offer for the English club would be €1.1 billion euros. However, Joe Lewis, owner of the 'spurs', would not have the intention to sell the team at this time because a new stadium is under construction.
Another reason why the sale may not be completed is the fact that the team is in one of its best moments and will participate in the next Champions League with the intention of moving forward.
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Due to the strong rumors of this acquisition, the club itself, Tottenham, took the opportunity to formalize its intention to remain with the same owners through a statement on its official website.
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"The board is not in any discussion regarding an acquisition offer for the club. The board believes that this is the optimal solution for the interests of the fans, employees, and shareholders, as well as the development of the club itself," reads the statement.
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